Kind of a big one. Blow this up and make a poster out of it… actually I should probably do that, and sell it along with my other merch… …BUT these are some things to […]
Category: paradiddle-diddles
Developing a Weckl lick – 01
Hot on the heels of the six stroke roll post, here is a related thing, a flashy fusion lick by Dave Weckl. I pulled it off of a Paquito d’Rivera album in about 1987, and […]
Minor item, corralling some similar sticking ideas that have been floating around the site. I noticed that with paradiddle-like stickings, I like inverting them so the double is up front, right after the first accent. […]
Reed tweak: yet another uptempo method
Minor tweak to an ordinary right hand lead Reed system, making an approach to playing jazz at fast tempos. I’ve probably written something like this before, I can’t be bothered to check. This way has […]
Paradiddle-diddle game
Everybody Good Knows The Same Stuff, Part 1000: Another handout from a clinic Russ Tincher at UC Berkeley in 1989— I confirmed that’s where it was from. Here he shows how to interpret triplets with […]
Double-paradiddle / paradiddle-diddle inversions – linear, all on one page
I wrote this up for myself, maybe you’ll use it, too. These are the 6/8 linear versions of the double paradiddle and paradiddle-diddle inversions page, written for snare drum and bass drum— that’s easier for […]
Paradiddle-diddle inversions
Remember that page of double paradiddle inversions I wrote back in April? April 2020. Or, ~198,000 United States COVID deaths ago, for those of you who have abandoned calendars and moved over to a death-count based time […]
Three Camps in paradiddle-diddles
For such a simple piece, Three Camps sure is a notation headache. There’s next to nothing happening in it, but it takes a whole lot of ink to write it out, and it never looks […]
Paradiddle exercises in 7/8
UPDATE: Man, I am getting sloppy. There were a bunch of typos and duplicate exercises in the original pdf— I’ve updated it, and included some accent variations in the triple paradiddle exercises. Hey, breaking our […]
CSD! listicle: seven useful rudiments
People always seem to want to know what’s the deal with rudiments, what do you use them for, and which ones are the best, coolest, most valuable. So here I’ll just shotgun some of my […]
Paradiddle-diddle variations, for jazz
Hey, we haven’t done anything for the snare drum in awhile— in my own practicing I’ve been preoccupied with Dahlgren & Fine’s Accent On Accents books, and Buster Bailey’s Wrist Twisters, and my students are […]
From the zone: Vinnie’s paradiddle-diddles
With this next entry we’ve got dueling fusion-era paradiddle-diddle licks, this time by Vinnie Colaiuta. This was sent in by fellow blogger Mark Feldman, who transcribed it back in the day from the 1987 Zildjian […]