Scale, purpose, context, and economics

Random artistic/critical concept time, about assessing a piece of art or design, or anything else in life.  Assessing meaning “liking things or not.” Everything, all around us, every day, we’re surrounded by little things we […]

Free triplet game

Free in cost, free in method. A jazz drumming exerise for getting some variety into your playing, free of meter concerns. The parts here are written two or three beats long, but play them over […]

An aside: what the music wants

[ File this under rants. Get my new book if you enjoy this type of thing. ] Hey, everybody stop talking about “what the music wants”, “what the music requires” like it’s something outside yourself. […]

4:3lets in 4/4 – 01

Page of basic 4:3 tuplet rhythms in 4/4 time— four quarter notes in the space of 3— with rests: I don’t know what we’re calling the rhythm when written this way, but what it is […]