I never did a really good summary for my harmonic coordination system (which I’ve variously called Harmonic Coordination Whatsis or Harmonic Coordination Improved, etc), let’s do that now. I use it a lot in teaching, with […]
Category: Dahlgren and Fine
Marvin Dahlgren video channel
Everybody’s going to want to check this out: Marv’s Legacy, a new(ish?) YouTube video channel with Marvin Dahlgren talking about practicing his books— Four Way Coordination, Accent On Accents, Drum Set Control, etc. I’ve only […]
More notes on Dahlgren & Fine
I’ve continued working on the harmonic portion of Dahlgren & Fine’s Four Way Coordination— the basic exercises in 4/4, on pp. 15-18— since it’s so bloody difficult, I’m writing about it a lot. Around here, extra […]
Back to Dahlgren & Fine
Basic unit of Dahlgren & Fine UPDATE: I’ve been hitting this all week, covering most of the pages in question every day, tempo around quarter note = 126. It’s very interesting— all kinds of unrelated […]
Harmonic coordination practice notes
Hard on purpose. A few notes on practicing my recent harmonic coordination improved thing. I can write a lot of verbiage about this system because it’s very abstract and time consuming, and I want to […]
Harmonic coordination improved – preparation
UPDATE: Here are some additional notes on practicing this. For some time I’ve been trying to work out a way to practice the very difficult “harmonic” coordination section of Dahlgren & Fine’s 4-Way Coordination without […]
Harmonic coordination whatsis – 02
There’s an easier way to play my patented new harmonic coordination whatsis™ technique— I thought about it for five minutes longer and thought of a better way to practice it. This is a way of […]
Harmonic coordination whatsis
Hey, we’re kicking around a lot of half-baked stuff on the blog these days, but I… look… if you want to see someone disappearing down the practice materials rabbit hole, visit my friend the saxophonist Dave […]
Marvin Dahlgren has died
Someone sent me the following note today: My friend, Marv Dahlgren, the great percussionist, and drum book author, has passed on to his celestial reward, at 92 years of age. I visited Marv a few […]
Two alternative Dahlgren & Fine routines
YAAAH As I’ve mentioned, I’m getting a lot of productive work done with this much-loathed book, 4-Way Coordination, by Marvin Dahlgren & Elliot Fine. Mainly I’m using the worst part, the “harmonic” coordination chapter, for […]
Open hihat funk application using Dahlgren & Fine
Wow, suddenly it’s the end of the year. In coming days I’ll be throwing up as much stuff as I can to fill out any remaining content gaps in the upcoming 2017 Book of the […]
EZ “harmonic” independence
Fairly EZ. EZ compared to the thing it’s based on. This is something that came out of practicing the harmonic independence section of 4-Way Coordination by Dahlgren & Fine. Looking at that book makes you […]