Everything at once

Another archive item— these things are a very welcome brain cleansing for me. This is a clinic handout by Russ Tincher, from when I was a student at the U. of Southern California. Tincher was a […]

Stanley Spector news

I received an email yesterday, from a violinist named Xinou Wei, regarding the “Spector School of Drumming”— which sells itself as an official Stanley Spector enterprise, and apparently it is a complete fraud.  Wei says:   […]

Time is money

Another funny item I dug out of my archives. I believe it’s from the jazz festival at UC Berkeley in 1989— I was there playing with USC’s guitar ensemble. A bassist and drummer gave a […]

Tyranny of the barline or something else

Headline: TED Video Irritating Alt headline: Media Company Declares Own Take On 15th Century Graphic Concept Groundbreaking  Alt alt headline: tEd Dopes Find Music Unintuitive   Getting back to my usual form: complaining about a […]

Funk samba: moving the 1

I was doing this with some students, using a similar groove to Omar Hakim’s Predator groove— vastly simplified. There are a couple of pages of “funk samba” grooves in Roy Burns / Joey Farris’s underrated book […]

Some short tempered performance notes

Following are some comments I wrote after hearing some younger drummers— in a jazz setting, players far enough along with their playing to let their ambitions get the better of them, musically. I got a […]