This is from kind of a dark horse album, Irresistible Forces, by Jack Dejohnette’s Special Edition— under which name he released several records between 1980-94, with different lineups. I listened to the next record a lot— Audio Visualscapes— this one not so much. A lot of music at the time had a very processed, brightly cheerful “world music” aspect happening, that is a little cloying. The record is still worthwhile.
The tune, 47th Groove is an episodic thing, cycling through several different grooves and arranged sections. The tempo here is about 115— it gets a little slower and faster as the feel changes happen. He plays each of these grooves pretty repetitively, and puts more stuff in on the other sections:

This record is such a dark horse, in fact, that no one has bothered dump it to us free via the usual internet media resources. So if it’s not already in your collection you’ll have to look for it at the record stores you always go to— the CD will probably cost you three bucks.