This except not with these idiots.

SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT SLASH FEELER: I’m thinking about doing a group zoom call— you join me in an online conversation about all matters pertaining to drumming, teaching, playing, whatever anyone wants to talk about. 

Hey, follow me on Bluesky

SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I have now abandoned that festering hell site formerly known as Twitter, and invite you to follow me on Bluesky, a vastly more friendly environment for good and sane people. There’s a nice […]

Fundraiser time

UPDATE: Bumping this to the top of the blog, scroll down for new posts. You may have noticed I’ve added a Patreon account, for those who prefer to support the site that way. Well, we’ve […]

Site news: videos, cymbals

SITE NEWS: One thing: We’re doing videos. I’m gearing up for that right now. That’s what all of that camera jazz was about. I’m going to have to figure out a way to do it in […]