This is something that came organically out of my own playing- it came up again and again in improvising for years before I finally analyzed it. The only place I’ve seen it mentioned since is […]
Category: rudiments
Rudimental drumming as conceptual art
Here’s a rudimental snare drum piece which I’ve been trying to get my head around for a couple of days now. Written by Ken Mazur, a champion drum corps soloist of the 70’s who went […]
The DNA of swing drumming
I picked up this interesting book- Charley Wilcoxon’s Drum Method– as one of my local sheet music stores was going out of business. I’d been working with Wilcoxon’s more advanced Rudimental Swing Solos, but this […]
Best books: Rudimental Patterns by Joe Cusatis
Rudimental Patterns Full Drum Set Studies for the Modern Drummer by Joe Cusatis This book contains most of what I always felt was wrong with the traditional approach to learning the drums, and I LIKE […]