Here’s Roy Haynes’s drum solo from the title track of a Jackie McLean record we visited a few months ago, It’s Time. The solo begins at 5:31. Pull up my Cliché Control page and start […]
Category: Roy Haynes
World’s shortest Roy Haynes waltz lesson
UPDATE: See the page of practice suggestions for more on this! Someone on the internet asked me to explain what Roy Haynes is doing on the Chick Corea tune Windows, from the album Now He […]
Very occasional quote of the day: Roy on time
“Mingus use to say the damndest thing about me years ago. He’d say, ‘Well, Roy Haynes. You don’t always play the beat, you suggest the beat!’ I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. […]
Roy Haynes intro – Alto-itis
I’m being very slovenly about posting as things continue being politically crazy. It’s a little distracting. So here’s something easy: a four bar drum intro played by Roy Haynes on Oliver Nelson’s tune Alto-itis, from […]
Transcription: Roy Haynes comping
UPDATE: Download link is fixed! Did you ever transcribe 72 bars of Roy Haynes, just to realize that all of the really cool stuff was in the NEXT 36 bars? I wanted to do an […]
Very occasional quote of the day: What “a gig” was
“You didn’t get a gig for a weekend, like two days at The Gate. It wasn’t like that. We’d stay at a place a week to three weeks, sometimes seven nights a week and five […]
Daily best music in the world: Roy Haynes Hip Ensemble
Hip Ensemble is Roy Haynes’s fusion band that was around for a couple of years around 1970. Or is it just the title of the one record under Roy’s name? I don’t know, man. Anyone […]
Very occasional quote of the day: cymbal selection for bop
Roy Haynes talks about what cymbal used to go with what soloist in the 1940s: “I just liked the sound of a cymbal with the sax. It was cool with a trumpet, too. Back in […]
New e-book title: 5 Roy Haynes Solos
Another new transcription e-book available: 5 Roy Haynes Solos Includes transcribed solos from: In Walked Bud Snap Crackle All The Things You Are Reflection Bad News Blues Only In Walked Bud was previously available on […]
More Bad News
Comping lesson time— here’s more of that Roy Haynes track Bad News Blues, this time looking at what Roy is playing during the four choruses of the piano solo. The album is Cracklin’, and the […]
Transcription: Roy Haynes – Bad News Blues
Just a quick little Roy Haynes transcription, from Bad News Blues, from Haynes’s album Cracklin’. It’s short— they play the 12-bar head once before heading into the bass solo— but there are some things to […]
Roy Haynes on rudiments
He talks about a lot of things, but his comments on rudiments (after 2:30) are interesting: I don’t know if I would take that completely at face value— in answering the question he seems to […]