Writing by making lists of things- it’s just where I’m at right now. This is a quick run down of one of the main jobs/avenues for creativity on the drums- the manner in which you […]
Category: rock
Kristen’s rock micro-syllabus
Here I’ve written up a thing I’ve been doing verbally with Kristen, one of my 6th grade students, to acquaint with some of the basic moves in rock-style drumming. Our method has been to run […]
Two simple rock applications
You’ve probably noticed by now that I do a lot with Ted Reed’s Syncopation? Here are two more methods which I have developed (along with my Rock beats with Syncopation piece) to introduce my intermediate […]
Todd’s Methods, pt. 3: Rock beats with Syncopation
Most drum books present their stuff fully written out verbatim for the drum set, which is fine for learning patterns, but not for thinking like a musician. This is something I made up to introduce […]