Painting is a psychological game

I’m a painter as well as a musician— I work in what’s generally called an abstract expressionist style. I’m not making pictures of things, I’m painting until I have something that looks like a painting. […]

Practice loop: Oregon – Fall

New practice loop, sampled from the tune Fall, by the band Oregon. The bassist here, Glen Moore, is one of my favorite musicians in the world— look into his records with the vocalist Nancy King […]

Counting the grid

It’s a *mechanical* tool, from way back. I had a conversation with a student about counting subdivisions when you practice— “the grid.” It’s a common thing to do, that I don’t recommend— not all the […]

Unearned info

A long, wordy post with extended quotes from a forum questioner, who felt that the knowledge in drumming books may come too cheaply, and from drummer and author John Riley, who showed up out of […]