Roy Haynes trading fours with Kenny Burrell on Well, You Needn’t, from Burrell’s 1959 album A Night At The Vanguard. They’re playing trio, with Richard Davis on bass. The whole record is really cool— nobody’s working too hard, the tunes are short, Haynes is playing deliberately and creatively, at a moderate volume.
The fours start at 2:41. I included the first four bars of the head out because he does something cool there. The form is of course AABA, at the beginning they come in on the bridge, playing BAABA – solo. At the end they play BA and out.

He may be using a third tom tom here, which I guess would be surprising in 1959. Haven’t pained myself to figure it out. His first four, starting at bar five, could be played entirely with the right hand, with the left resting in rim click position. Note the Salt Peanuts quote at bar 21. Starting at bar 29 there’s a real concise example of playing something obvious, then displacing it. I hate even saying displaced because it makes a contrived thing out of it— it’s just the way you think playing stuff.