Updating a really horrible looking page I wrote ten years ago. Musescore actually kind of rocks, this took me no time at all, and looks way better. Musescore would make me work to make it […]
Musescore: conclusions
So, that Billy Cobham transcription pretty well settled it: Musescore is a perfectly fine replacement for the soon-to-be-self-annihilating[? -tb] Finale. For my purposes: writing drumming materials, and lead sheets. There are a few very minor […]
Squarepusher beat
This came out of a mistake by a student, when we were working on some basic ghost note materials. Some things considered to be “advanced” come up naturally in the form of mistakes and general […]
Double time Reed tweak: one step beyond
Launching to the outer limits of what you can reasonably do with Syncopation, verging on losing the melody rhythm as a point of reference. Or not, see what you make of it. Using one of […]
Daily best music in the world: a good first jazz album
If we learned about music in a nice orderly way, where everything started at a logical beginning with music that was clear and expository, this would be a good first record for finding out about […]
Funk warmups – cymbal on offbeats
A page of groove fragments, really, for one of my students— to help get oriented working out of New Breed. We were having some difficulties with this particular cymbal rhythm. You could play this […]
Transcription: Jack Dejohnette – Boo Ann’s Grand
Jack Dejohnette open drum solo from Boo Ann’s Grand, on the Jackie McLean 1967 album Demon’s Dance. Tempo is about 241— about as fast you can do this kind of stuff. This is burning for […]
Daily best music in the world: Elvin recorded wrong
A little listening experiment. My brother played this record for me, I forget how he set it up— clearly there was something wrong with it, he wanted my reaction. I said, this is somebody I […]
Transcription: Billy Cobham – For Someone I Love
Here’s that Billy Cobham transcription— just of a busy portion of Freddie Hubbard’s solo on For Someone I Love, on Milt Jackson’s record Sunflower. I’m learning a lot about Musescore doing something this damn complicated. […]
Billy, switch to decaf babe
Getting cocky about my Musescore skills now, working on a Billy Cobham transcription, from Milt Jackson’s album Sunflower. On the tune For Someone I Love, he does sort of an insane thing that almost crashes […]
Transcription: Flight For Freedom – 01
OK, first complete transcription using Musescore, doing basically everything I need it to do for this site. Same recording I’ve been working with, Flight For Freedom by Oliver Nelson, from his record Skull Session, with […]