False prodigies

My apologies for the many wordy posts lately. I don’t want to be a words/opinions guy. I’m working on a lot of outside stuff, so I have to post what I have, and that happens […]

Seattle meet wrap-up

Well, it was small but mighty. The cymbal meet in Seattle confirmed a lot of things I already felt about the Cymbal & Gong instruments, and gave me a lot of valuable information from some […]

Everything you know about drumming is wrong

Sometimes I get really cranky about drumming conversations on the internet. My paranoid tone here is half in jest. Tune in to the Firesign Theater recording on the left for more laffs.  BELIEVE IT NOW:  […]

Feel and style

Just a brief discussion of the musical terms feel and style. In normal professional musician usage they are often interchangeable, referring to the type of accompaniment to be played by the rhythm section. What kind of a […]