Another Drum! piece coming up…

It looks like I’ll have another piece in Drum! magazine— my third— coming up pretty soon. Just waiting for final, 100% fersher confirmation. The piece is my transcription of Vinnie Colaiuta’s playing on the guitar […]

Books in hand

Oh, hey, I just received my own copies of my new book, 100 Grooves. Nine days from order to receipt of the books, with the cheapest shipping. As usual’s print job is impeccable, and […]

An epic 48 hours of travel.

Among the last civilized moments of the trip, despite the automatic weapons. Got up early on our last morning in Paris to go see the Eiffel Tower at dawn and then hustle with our luggage […]

Riding into Paris

Operating on very little sleep here after driving back to Brussels after our Paris gigs, and organizing photos from that leg of the trip, many of which were taken with that jive Android “retro” camera […]