
“Oh! How ordinawy.” A little bit of an business/economics side track here:  In the USA the word ordinary is rarely a compliment. It’s usually taken to mean unexceptional, uninteresting, not that good. It’s not a […]

Protecting your business

Maybe not. This is a situation I had recently, which is common for teachers working with music stores, teaching studios, or other services. Many of those businesses require teachers to sign contracts to keep them […]


Apropos of no particular part of this post, these are remarkably similar to many drum teachers I’ve encountered. A short beef about the nature of teaching. Maybe I should’ve included this in my recent post, […]

Your bio sucks. My bio sucks.

OBLIGATORY TENUOUSLY-RELATED IMAGE AND CAPTION: Boilerplate should  never be anything but a creepy, late-Victorian, steampunkish, fictional robot in your life— it has NO PLACE in your bio!  Via Ted Gioia on Twitter, here’s a good piece […]

Creative Apocalypse coda

No, it’s this. Since my last update, there have been many more responses to Steven Johnson’s New York Times Magazine piece The Creative Apocalypse That Wasn’t, but it was largely piling on, and the essential […]