Paradiddle round-up

In case you haven’t gotten enough to work on with the paradiddle things I’ve posted, here are some exercises gathered from around the web. I’ve only linked to pages that actually use notation- I’m a little fed up with people who present things with video only- write them out, doodz. Anyway, there should be something in here for just about everyone:

First, via my pals at Drum! Magazine, here from Danny Gottlieb is a Joe Morello exercise for developing uptempo jazz.

Good Lord. PIT’s Chuck Silverman gives us a big page of stuff- you’ll likely get sidetracked on the way to the paradiddles. Here’s another page of his using paradiddles to outline clave. This will probably get its own post later on.

Here’s something very special, via Music For Drummers: a free download of Dave Tough’s paradiddle book. It’s out of print, and God knows who owns the rights to it. According to MFD there are three library copies in existence. If that link goes dead, you can try one of these.

Bill Rotella’s Drum Beatings has a pretty hefty offering of paradiddle inversions in 16th notes and triplets, plus a couple of serious “diddle mania” pages, plus a page of paradiddles extended within 5, 7, and 9 note odd rhythms.

Tiger Bill’s Drum Beat has a decent page of paradiddle inversions and combinations, along with several Accents-and-Rebounds-type applications.

A number of other worthwhile things, from basic to advanced, after the break:
Just the basics
from I’m not completely wild about the presentation, but you can see the basic principles at work if you’re just starting out.

Here is a corps-style exercise developing paradiddles in a 32nd note rhythm, from Plus a late addition- something called “paradiddle race” in 7/8 and 7/16.

Whitehouse Percussion breaks down the structure of the rudiment for us. Just add an upstroke on the &’s of 1 and 3 and you’re golden!

Ninja Drummist offers a basic “grid” exercise accenting each note of the paradiddle.

Another very short exercise, from (Check your title tag, guys- it says “ruidment” studies at the top of your page!)

Tomas Howie Drumming Web has a simple, interesting drum set application, plus some non-obvious patterns derived from them, which may give you some ideas some directions you can go with paradiddles within time feels.

Rob Crisp in the UK has a page of very basic drum set applications, if you’re just starting out with this sort of thing.

One thought on “Paradiddle round-up

  1. Hey Todd,

    After seeing your cool paradiddle roundup I decided to add a great paradiddle exercise on my blog. Check it out and let me know what you think.

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