An easy page of rhythm exploration here, inverting a polyrhythm, combining inversions, and then inverting that. I’ve been encouraged to write these things after noticing that, starting with a simple 3:2 polyrhythm (or hemiola), running some simple mathematical permutations, and/or putting them into 2/4 or 4/4 time, we get some very common rhythms in north American and Latin music.
There’s no grand goal here, except to know rhythm a little better. Most people can play it in one or two practice sessions, then leave it.
I encourage you to count the combined rhythm of each exercise, and think of them as sticking— variations on B RLR (B for both hands in unison). As we get into the inversions there are some RLRLR and RLB. Play first with hands only, then add the bass drum at the beginning of the pattern.
You can move your left hand between drums, and add some more bass drum. Try some things, it won’t be difficult to make some interesting Afro-type grooves with this.