Figure Control: 6-4 – Lilin – 01

Let’s just assume every post begins with an apology for the light posting— I’ve just been very busy with playing, teaching, and getting ready for an art show this past few weeks.

This Funk Control/Figure Control/Whatever Control format I’ve been working with lately is proving to be quite a useful concept— taking interpretations commonly applied to Syncopation, and using them with a single rhythm, and then combining them. Today we’ve got another rhythm in 6/4, based on the bass vamp from Lilin, a tune played by John Zorn’s Masada.

There will be a practice loop to use with this page forthcoming in the next couple of days. The tempo is more reasonable than that of the Free Design loop we used with the previous page in 6.

Play through the base rhythm and iterations at the top of the page once,  just so you can be familiar with the foundations of the lettered exercises. Then learn the individual lettered exercises, repeating each of them many times. Then practice combining lettered exercises, in the following template:

A-B, A-C, A-D, etc… B-C, B-D, B-E, etc… C-D, C-E, C-F, etc…

Follow that system until you’ve played all combinations of patterns. Note that you don’t have to work backwards; when you get to the combinations starting with B, you don’t have to do B-A, because you already did A-B when you did the As.

With each combination, play each component pattern one or two times, repeating the entire combination phrase many times:

||: A-A-B-B :|| 
||: A-B :||

With all of the pages in this series, there are so many exercises and combinations of exercises to learn, that if you really have a problem with any of them at a certain tempo, there’s no problem with just cutting those exercises from your routine. Learning to play the exercises is just the first part of this system— what’s more important is learning to combine whatever patterns you can play really well. There’s no point in including a pattern you’re really struggling with in practicing that part of the system.

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