SF: Some of the tempos that you play are lightning fast.
MR: That’s done through combinations though! No one limb is overworking. There’s a way that it works itself out so that all the weight isn’t on the right hand, or the left hand, or the foot, or both feet. It’s put together so that every limb is working so that it sounds fast. It sounds fast because each limb is doing a little something. It’s really very relaxed. But, it’s way up there! And you can just go for as long as you want to as long as you distribute the work equally.
SF: Are you thinking in half-time at those tempos’?
MR: No, I’m thinking upstairs. But, I know I may have to go for an hour or ahalf-hour. See. coming up, I’d sometimes be the drummer on the stage with nine guys in the front line. So, you learn how to expect this. Forget about playing a drum solo. You’re just strictly accompanying time. Forget about it!
– Modern Drummer interview by Scott K. Fish, June 1982
Read Fish’s posts about Max on his blog, Life Behind The Cymbals. Also this other quote about playing fast, the titular “Max Fast – 01.”