A collection of warmups for adding 16th notes to our good friend the
right hand lead Reed system. You can work them up to practice them while reading from Syncopation, or these could be your whole drill. Whatever.
These are just some things I’m doing, it’s not a fully worked out system, not all of these will agree with each other. Some of them are single embellishments, some of them are combinations. You can probably devise some more combinations.
It gets a little complicated practicing out of Reed this way— the underlying melody rhythm can get a little obscured. Build up to the more complex ones by running each individual thing with all of p. 38. If the reading isn’t happening, start with pp. 10-11, 30-32, and 34-37. Keep the original plain RH lead system as your point of reference, figure out how each thing is just an embellishment of that.
UPDATE: I should have put this on there as well— you’ll have to pencil it in on the top two lines. Play each note with the marking as two 16ths. That’ll be any snare drum note right before a cymbal note: