New Breed tweak – left hand cymbal accents

Getting through a single system from The New Breed takes some time, longer than I want to have one hand be basically idle, playing just the 2 and 4. Let’s give it more to do.

This is a real small thing to do with the backbeat systems— any system with backbeats on the snare drum, and the bass drum playing the melody: catch accents on a cymbal with the left hand. In unison with one or more bass drum notes, or anyplace it doesn’t conflict with the backbeat. 

Add a crash on the 1, or the closest bass drum note before or after the 1, and/or some other bass drum note, for example: 

You could also experiment with crashing independent of the bass drum— for that I’d want something quick, an effects cymbal or small crash:

I’m always on the lookout for little multipliers like that. So long as the fundamentals are solid— save it for later if any part of the plain system is raggedy. 

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