Just throwing it out there…

A quick observation, during this period of light posting:  

A pattern I’ve noticed when I see people selling off their boutique cymbals: they rarely include any Cymbal & Gong. Every other hip brand of boutique item, but no Cymbal & Gong. It’s not because they’re not out there. There are a lot of them in circulation. 

It’s because most people who buy them use them forever. A few of them I’ve sold have ended up getting traded to another drummer, who loved them and they used them forever, but they’re not just getting them and dumping them. In the case of one drummer on this last Germany trip, Cymbal & Gong was what he was dumping the other cymbals to get.  

This year has been a little slow, so I haven’t been acquiring a lot of new stock, but these cymbals I have hanging around are great. People have to get excited to make a purchase, but how’s this for exciting: I’m holding your career cymbal, that you’re going to be happy taking to every gig, recording session, and rehearsal you do for the 10 years at least. I was excited at that prospect when I started buying them for myself. 

End of random sales pitch. More erratic posting of drum stuff coming…

One thought on “Just throwing it out there…

  1. I never leave home without my Cymbal & Gong cymbals.
    When I bought the first one from you almost six years ago, I felt like I had finally arrived and I look with pity at all the poor colleagues who still don't play C&G cymbals.
    The only problem I have with them is that they are all so good that it is hard to decide which one to play.
    Every drummer should have a cymbal & gong cymbal (and once you start, there's no stopping you!).

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