Groove o’ the day: Elvin waltz by Kenny Washington

Here’s Kenny Washington playing an Elvin Jones-type of waltz groove on Simple Waltz, on Clark Terry’s 1991 record Live at the Village Gate. It’s kind of an obscure item now, I bought the record then to check out some Kenny Washington. I used to play along with it a lot. 

It’s actually really Elvin like, though Washington has a different way of playing time from him— and sound, and touch. See my groove o’ the day and transcription of John Coltrane’s Your Lady. There’s also a page o’ coordination based on it. 

On the intro he plays the ties, when the band comes in he plays the straight cymbal rhythm as written, no ties. 

One thought on “Groove o’ the day: Elvin waltz by Kenny Washington

  1. I also bought that album in the early 90's to "check out some Kenny Washington," and I listened to it a lot back then. His playing is precise, clean, and swinging, with a great touch. You're right, that groove in his hands sounds a lot different than Elvin! Back then I transcribed some of his playing on the tune "Keep on Keepin' On" from that record.

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