Here’s how to fit that late paradiddle inversion system into a triplet or 12/8 environment. For clarity, we’ll base it off the accented triplets pages from Syncopation— pp. 53-58. Advanced students can then figure out how to do it while reading the regular syncopation rhythms.
This is the key for practicing this system reading out of Syncopation. Or you can just practice this page and nothing else.
The basic environment we’re operating in is a right hand lead sticking— the accents are played with the right hand, the non-accents are played with the left. This is an extension of that. We’re doubling the value of the filler notes, and using a LRRL sticking, and adding more RLs as necessary. It’s still RH lead to the extent that all the cymbal hits will fall on the right hand.
I’m doing these on drum set, with some or all of the accents on a cymbal, with the bass drum in unison. If you’re going to play an accent on a drum, don’t add bass drum. At the bottom of the page is a bonus item where you can substitute bass drum for the last left hand in a run of 16ths.