Happy holidays

Merrry Christmas and whatnot everyone, here’s a playlist with all 5 1/2 hours of Scott K. Fish’s 1984 interview with one of my favorite drummers, Frankie Dunlop. Put this on while your turkey cooks, or whatever.

Do visit Fish’s site. He was one of the main guys at Modern Drummer magazine for many years, and I don’t know if people realize, but MD basically created the modern history of drumming by talking to players like Dunlop. Nobody else was interviewing them, and if they did, they weren’t talking about drumming. And most of them died before the current explosion of media. But for some guys and a low budget magazine, the literature of drumming as we know it would be much thinner, or non-existent. 

2 thoughts on “Happy holidays

  1. Thank you for your kind words about Modern Drummer, Todd. And thank you for spreading word about Frankie Dunlop's unedited interview. He was a super human being as well as a super drummer.

  2. I purchased my first issue of MD in Sept.1979 when I saw Gene Krupa on the cover.I Love that mag and still subscribe to it.Would really like to see them do some articles on past Big Band and Bop drummers as we need to keep our younger generations informed on all of these great drummers of the past!!

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