From the zone: brush things

A little item from Ted Warren, author of the excellent Trap’d blog, who is clearly not suffering from any kind of OCD, having written this upside down on some kind of assignment sheet. I post so much stuff on this site that it’s easy to forget that most of what you actually play centers around relatively few basic ideas (actually, what I write also centers around relatively few basic ideas, in different contexts)… so when you get one or two things from a source like this, you should actually spend proportionally more time playing them, and experimenting with them. They’re going to be very useful and/or fertile.

Ted gives some explanation of this here.

Definitely also see his series of brush videos— those, plus a lot of playing with people are all you need to learn to play the brushes.

Please send me (see the sidebar) any practice room artifacts you would like to be featured in a FROM THE ZONE post. Don’t worry about it looking good, making sense, or being finished.

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