Drum technique magical nihilist death cult

Submitted without comment, excerpts from an internet forum conversation on drumming speed training “protocols.” 

“When are you considered to have truly ‘mastered’ a given tempo? For example, I could continually play 16th notes at 250bpm for 1 minute. I had a teacher who said ‘well, can you play 250bpm for 2 hours without making a single mistake’?

‘Can you do it for 8 hours’?

‘Can you do it for 24 hours’?

‘No? Well, then you can’t play at 250bpm’.

His argument was that technique at ANY bpm should literally take zero effort and zero tension, so if you’re truly able to play at, say 300bpm, there should be nothing stopping you from playing a single stroke roll at that speed for literally DAYS on end without making any mistakes or dragging at all since it should be as easy as breathing.

So, technically, if you have truly mastered playing at 250bpm (and not just muscling it), you should be able to play a single stroke roll at 250bpm until you start actually dying of thirst/starvation

Good technique should be effortless. So, can anyone actually play 250bpm with good technique? Because if they could, they’d be able to sustain a 250bpm floor tom roll for 24 hours straight – and I’ve not seen anyone do that.

If you feel the burn at ANY point, doesn’t that mean your technique is inefficient? A guy who can play at 260bpm should be able to hold an unbroken 260bpm single stroke roll for literally DAYS without ever feeling a burn. If he feels a burn at any point, doesn’t that mean that he’s muscling it instead of having efficient technique? Since efficient technique should be literally effortless?

I’ve often heard that good technique should use as little energy as breathing. Breathing does take a degree of energy, but you can easily do it for as long as you live without taking a break. So, technically, if you have truly mastered playing at 250bpm (and not just muscling it), you should be able to play a single stroke roll at 250bpm until you start actually dying of thirst/starvation – so for several days at least.”

End of quote. 

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