Transcription: Dave King – Rational Funk / Trading 8s

Here’s something I don’t normally do: transcribe stuff from solo/demo/“lesson” videos online. But this is a) cool, b) illustrative of something I talk about a lot here, which is UNDERLYING SIMPLICITY.

The video is “Memes / Trading 8s”—  Episode 41 of Dave King’s YouTube series Rational Funk. If you like my site you’ve probably already heard of King and the series, and are following him. I’m just always amazed that any Joe-Ray Dickstein’s blast beat video will get 1,000,000 hits, and most of these videos are languishing between 10-20k views. If you want to be a musician, this is the real content. And if you’re going to take free content, you’ve got to help people monetize— follow, share, tweet, retweet, buy product.

So I’ve written out three four-measure solos (alternating with a funk groove) which are hip, interesting, and fancy-sounding, and I thought people might like to know what’s going on. The transcription starts at 2:55 in the video:

The straight groove portion is something not unlike what we’ve seen in my recent FUNK CONTROL series of posts: a hand pattern of RLRR-LRRL plus accents and bass drum.

If you analyze the page a little bit, you can see there are a lot of alternating 16th notes happening, moving around between the snare drum, hihat, and crash cymbal; there’s syncopated accenting, occasional tied notes or rests, drags, and a few doubles. There’s a little bass drum added, and the occasional hihat played with the foot, either in unison with the hands, or punched in a gap. He alludes to a five note pattern in measure 6, and a three note pattern in measure 25.

The one squirrelly lick is the 5-let thing near the end— the rhythm may be approximate, but that appears to be the sequence of notes played. Good to remember that a lot of weird-looking stuff you see in these transcriptions is not necessarily written the way it was conceived by the player.

I should note that my articulations for the hihat are all over the place on this one— usually where there’s an accent, the cymbals are half-open; I also use a tenuto mark to indicate a half-open note, and I’ve got a few standard ‘o’s in there to indicate an open sound, which are also kind of half-open. It doesn’t matter. And there are a couple of minor typos in the jpeg above, which are corrected in the pdf, so download the pdf.

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2 thoughts on “Transcription: Dave King – Rational Funk / Trading 8s

  1. "I'm just always amazed that any Joe-Ray Dickstein's blast beat video will get 1,000,000 hits, and most of these videos are languishing between 10-20k views. If you want to be a musician, this is the real content." I sometimes check your blog and I can say that I found interesting content and books to work on thanks to it. But seriously having this sort of mindset is very sad and immature. I start playing drums when I was 14 because I was mainly interested in fast metal subgenres at that time. Now I play and listen to many different things but I still love playing double bass, blast beats, metal and listening to it. Also there very versatile, hardworking and talented metal drummers and saying these drummers are not musician doesn't make them any less of a musician. It just makes you very close-minded. Still to this day playing rock and metal are one of the main reasons why people start learning playing drums. You should seriously stop telling people what to enjoy and learn. If a people listen something which contains blast beats or wants to play music that has it, blast beats are a relevant thing to learn as much as the things you share in your blog for them.

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