This is incredible: AUDIO from Scott K. Fish’s interview with Frankie Dunlop. A long, hilarious story— and ultimately hair-raising, when you get to the part with Tony Williams et al in the audience— about Monk making him solo on a slow tune:

I already put up some excerpts of Dunlop talking about playing with Monk, from that same interview. It’s important to remember that this only exists because Fish, and a few guys like him, at Modern Drummer magazine, took an interest, sought these guys out, and talked to them about their experiences playing. I don’t think there’s a single other interview with Dunlop where he actually talks about playing the drums. Same goes for a whole lot of other great drummers who are now dead.

Here’s another one— on rehearsing with Monk, or the lack thereof. What Monk said to Ben Riley about rehearsing was pretty great: “What do you want to do, learn how to cheat?”


  1. This is so good! I can't believe I'm just now discovering this. Frankie Dunlop is one of my all time favorites. Thanks for sharing it.

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