2024 UPDATE: Oops, apparently Ben Riley plays on this record. I need to look at the sleeve before posting these things. It sure sounded like Frankie Dunlop to me. Thanks to Andrew Wicks for the correction.
Here Dunlop “feathers”the bass drum quite a bit— plays it lightly as part of his time feel. At times he plays half notes, or quarter notes, or doesn’t play it audibly at all; in a couple of places he’ll play it lightly on 2 and 4. He creates some pretty subtle gradations of intensity this way, within the overall mf, moderate-intensity vibe of the solo. It wouldn’t be a bad exercise to play the transcription along with the recording, playing only the cymbal, bass drum, and hihat.
The transcription begins at 1:49 in the recording, and ends at the beginning of Monk’s solo: