Here are Kenny Clarke’s fours, played with brushes, on Love Me Or Leave Me, from the album Walkin’, by Miles Davis. I’ve given the drum solo breaks only:
The ties are due to some kind of left hand swishing activity— do whatever you see fit there. The lick with the quintuplets likely has a double in it, either on the first two notes, or on the 3rd-4th notes; it was probably conceived as two 8th notes and a triplet, slurred together, due to the tempo. Many of the triplets may have doubles in them, and are not super-cleanly executed generally.
You own this record, but here’s the audio anyway:
Thanks, Dennis, that's very kind. I use Finale, and it's good, now that I've learned to use it, but it can be a major pain- non-intuitive in the extreme. If I was starting with it today I might check out MuseScore, which is free, and apparently pretty good.
Hi,thanks a lot for the transcription, very accurate