Coordination with a dotted-quarter cymbal pattern – part 2

Here’s part two of our series of Elvin-esque four way coordination in a waltz feel, with a dotted-quarter note cymbal rhythm. Here the bass drum is in unison with the cymbal, and it’s a little easier than the last entry.  It would’ve made a nice part one for that reason, but that’s blogging for you– things don’t always follow logical sequence. Maybe I’ll switch them around in next year’s Book of the Blog.

In addition to our previous instructions, I think it’s a good idea to count out loud while working these out– it’s rather challenging at first on the 4/4 phrase– count “1 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 4″ there. A good variation to make on these would be to add another cymbal note on the & of 3, completing the metric modulation– we’ll get into that later.

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