Many of these are highly variable, so it may be presumptuous to declare that I’m giving you all the grooves from this record, but that’s the name of the series… I guess that’s what I get for picking subjects in my sleep (this came on the headphones last night). Anyway, here in broad strokes are the grooves from Funkadelic’s epic Maggot Brain, with drumming by Tiki Fulwood:
UPDATE: Not only should I not pick topics in my sleep, I should not transcribe when I’m on my first cup of coffee: Hit It And Quit It makes much more sense with measure three as the 3/4 bar, and the last measure in 4/4. That’s what it is, in fact. So get out your pencils and move that barline one beat to the left- I’ll update the original when the book comes out in 2013.
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Select YouTube audio after the break: