Hey, here’s a chance for you to support the blog and keep this wonderful free content coming your way day in and day out! I’m fund-raising for a project I’ll be recording and touring with […]
Year: 2011
Very occasional quote of the day: Monk
It’s vague to me how I was thinking. – Thelonious Monk, in Art Taylor’s Notes and Tones
A growing community
Following up this post by Mark Feldman, I thought it would be good to direct your attention to my drumming blogroll, in case you somehow are not a regular follower of them already. There are […]
Two nice finds
Two nice things from Jazz Schmazz, a blog I’ll be checking in with real often from here on out. First is a transcription of Pete LaRoca’s fours on Homestretch, from Joe Henderson’s Page One… and, […]
Groove o’ the day: Predator by Omar Hakim
Another new “of the day” feature that is going to be nothing like daily. But I’ll post them now and then, and it will be on a day, hence the… never mind. This is the […]
Until I figure out how to get Heineken to pay me.
I’m debuting my new header image today, a photo of the stage from my time on the Empress of the North, a river boat on the Columbia. I guess maybe the old picture of me […]
DBMITW: Sam Rivers with Barry Artschul
Another track from Sam Rivers’ Sizzle plus some bonus Barry Altschul after the break:
Todd’s methods: Son of Daku-daku-paradiddle
Right, I’m starting to regret the name I made up for this thing– until I think of the alternative, long-winded description for this very common pattern. Now if I can just bring myself to call […]
The way drum instructional videos should be
30 seconds long, no explanation, no BS, no nothing except everything you need to know about the subject: More of Ted Warren’s excellent series of brush videos after the break:
Coordination “kernels”
Here’s one for the teachers. This is an approach I’ve found helpful with students having difficulties with coordination on written patterns in jazz and Latin, and a good alternative/supplement to the usual solution of “slowing […]