What are we doing

Been having a minor existential crisis in the last week or so— I played my first session in over a year last week, was feeling really unpracticed and generally out of touch with music… and […]

What I’m practicing

I’m at the point where I’ve published so much stuff on the site, I’m a little embarrassed. I don’t want people thinking I’m just fascinated with writing patterns. I do practice this stuff, and otherwise […]

Cymbal & Gong and me

Public service announcement: You’re going to have to put up with a lot of ranting about cymbals in coming weeks and months. I’m in the process of developing a web site for selling Cymbal & Gong […]

What’s the point?

Yeahhh, you probably don’t need to bother with this one.* * – Not a terrible book, actually. Since we here at CRUISE SHIP DRUMMER! dump countless pages of quality practice materials onto the internet annually, […]

CSD! 2015 fund raiser happening NOW

NOTE: This post will be pinned to the top of the blog until June 1, but I’ll be posting heavily, so be sure to scroll down and hit the older posts link so you don’t […]