You’ve probably heard this exquisite version of “O Holy Night” before, but maybe not with this guy lip syncing- we’re convinced that he’s an actual performer because he actually does a pretty impeccable job with […]
Category: Uncategorized
A Nubian challenged by an auroch!
Prior to flooding the arena for the gladiatorial re-enactment of the battle of Actium, here’s a fresh novelty to ogle at, courtesy of my old friend Kirk in LA: I retired amazingness as a thing […]
Cruise Ship Drummer! now on Twitter
First I want to say I object to having to refer to my utterances as “tweets” when using Twitter- it’s kind of belittling, you know? “You can use our system, but you have to wear […]
1996 Paul Motian interview, last part: There’s No Rules, Man
This is the last part of my excerpts of Chuck Braman’s 1996 interview with Paul Motian. I highly recommend you visit Braman’s site and read the entire unedited piece (part 1 – part 2); there […]
Car chases!
This is fun: Marc Myers at Jazz Wax interviews Loren Janes, one of the stunt drivers on Steve McQueen’s Bullitt. This film was slightly before my time- I’m more of the debased Smokey and the […]
Set it up
Victor Lewis, via Ted Warren at Trap’d: Warren said Victor got his shoulder messed up and won’t be able to play for a while- you can visit him on Facebook to send him your best […]
Live jazz recordings!
Here are a couple of very special things from You Are What You Hear (“a live jazz blog”)- free, downloadable live recordings of Gateway (John Abercrombie, Dave Holland and Jack Dejohnette) at the Blue Note […]
Verdict: Android Retro Camera
The Android Retro Camera app is dead to me. After much intensive research (I took a picture and opened it in Photoshop), I’ve discovered that while the camera phone has a maximum resolution of 2048×1536, […]
Transcription: Roy Haynes – Solar
Here’s something from a nice jazz drumming blog, Tim’s Parlour– the opening of one of my favorite Roy Haynes tracks, from Pat Metheny’s Question & Answer: All of those &’s of 1 and 3 I’m […]
About my sites
PDX Drummer – My drum instruction site. Lots of hard-sell please-please-study-with-me stuff, but also very robust pages of my recordings, exercise/transcription/play-along downloads, and recommendations/tips on purchasing everything related to drumming. Also links to my Amazon […]
January 2011 update
TERSE ANNOUNCEMENT: I’m about to revive this sucker somewhat. Look for more music-related items and odd bits out of the photo archives. A lot has been happening since my last post- two European tours, a […]
Where am I? What am I doing?
OK, so obviously I haven’t been maintaining this blog in some time. If you want to find out what I’ve been up to, visit me at: – Pop Art 4 is my latest musical […]