I also bought a bunch of candy!  

Gummi bears! A rich subject for future exploration! 

Will Ferrell!

Will Ferrell as BushOK, I’m digging around on youtube while I scan some macro photos of spent fireworks. Here’s my favorite piece of comedy from ’04.

The greatest sketch evar!

The greatest sketch evar!These are from Exit 57 – Steven Colbert, Amy Sedaris and Paul Danello’s show before Strangers With Candy.

Prepare to have your mind blown!While I dig myself out of this avalanche of new material, check this out.

Midnight traffic jam!

Tim and I were stuck in traffic for an hour a couple of Fridays back- the freeway people decided that midnight on a Friday was the best time to close I-5 down to one lane. […]

The little wake-me-up divits in the side of the road, eerily sidelit by another motorist. 

Another month bites the dust!

Just got back from 4 weeks on the river. I shot a buttload with the Nikon, mostly hp5 pushed to 1600. Taking pictures of the band has pretty much lost all the interest it ever […]