Mr. Show – Coupon: The MovieOne of the more solid Mr. Show bits- I wish they’d included the setup in the clip.
Category: Uncategorized
Mr. Show – More money equals better thanI just posted this in a comment at Sadly, No!, thought I’d share it here as well.
Darkroom procedure!
Here’s a link you might find useful, if, like me you’re just getting your darkroom chops together.
More from the Lubitel!
That’s right, I dusted off the Lubitel recently. Here are a bunch of semi-abstract shots from the boat. First, an Hors d’Oeuvres tray.
on deck 3
on deck 5
on deck 1
on deck 2
Lock Wall
Lock wall.
Lock wall 2
Ice Bat!
Finally finished a roll of print film that was sitting in the Lubitel for 9 months or so with a few shots of the “ice bat” Casey picked up somewhere.