Library item that occurred to me while writing that last post. That Mozambique bell rhythm seems significant beyond just using it to play a Latin beat, hence this page, running it through its inversions. Half […]
Category: downloads
Elvinized Mozambique
An item I was working out with a student— making an Elvin Jones-like Latin groove/texture out of a Mozambique rhythm, for medium tempos, with swing 8th notes. It’s an entry, just the first, most obvious […]
Max Roach / Stan Levey duo transcription: Milano Blues
Here’s a composed drum duo played by Max Roach and Stan Levey, on their album Drummin’ The Blues. They trade off on some parts, and play in unison on others. I believe the whole thing […]
Tresillo unit
For a couple of weeks I’ve been working with an area of stuff covering several different styles— grooves with a tresillo rhythm, or part of it, in the bass drum. I’ve been polishing it for […]
Chop busters: syncopated flammed 16ths
More rooting around in my archives, with a stealth from the zone item. I found this in one of my notebooks from high school, and it’s worth playing, with some mixed 16th note rhythms with […]
Philly Joe set ups
Here’s a tune involving a lot of isolated kicks on the & of 2, where we get to hear a lot of different ways Philly Joe Jones sets them up— Blue Roz the Milt Jackson […]
Transcription: Ahmad’s Blues – fours
Hitting the ground running with this 2024 business, here’s Philly Joe Jones trading fours with Red Garland on Ahmad’s Blues, from the Miles Davis album Workin’. Joe sounds quite beautiful, hand made, and direct after […]
Jazz coordination – feet in unison
This page is for one of my students— his jazz playing has a nice feel with just his hands, but with the feet involved it gets a little uncentered. So we’re going to experiment with […]
Hemiola inverted and combined
An easy page of rhythm exploration here, inverting a polyrhythm, combining inversions, and then inverting that. I’ve been encouraged to write these things after noticing that, starting with a simple 3:2 polyrhythm (or hemiola), running […]
Chop busters: flammed 16ths
Another small item, while I power through writing my new book: a page of 16th notes with flams, designed to be rather technically challenging, in the manner of Ron Fink’s book Chop Busters: Alternating sticking […]
Reed tweak: RH lead triplets – five stroke rolls
This is where my thinking is going lately, towards breaking up some Reed practice systems so they’re not pure formula. Which I have always done anyway, just not very systematically. We want to make our […]
EZ tom ruff phrases
Here are some more practice phrase ideas for the tom ruffs. This is an underrated item, it should be a lot of fun. Rock out. As the stickings on patterns 1 and 2 indicate, when […]