Something to combine with all of the other recent stuff in 7/4: linear patterns, in a mixed rhythm, written in 7. Our source for the basic idea is Gary Chaffee’s book Patterns, vol. III, which […]
Category: downloads
Flam accents in 7/8 — same-handed
Well, it’s been a whirlwind of OTHER STUFF lately, hence the lack of posts— I won’t bore you with that. This came up while working with our recent John Zorn loop in 7/8; it’s a […]
Rock beats displaced
You’re not going to be seeing much of me for a few days— I’m getting married tomorrow, I’ve got a pre-wedding party today, then a micro-honeymoon at the Oregon coast Wednesday through Friday (the real […]
Rhythms in 7/4
Here’s a page of basic rhythms in 7/4 to go with yesterday’s practice loop. The vamp on the loop is phrased in 3+2+2/4, so I’ve given a Ted Reed-style guide part on the bass drum line […]
Dahlgren & Fine in 7/8 — 01
This is a continuation of a thing we did before, in which we worked on playing a very standard three note pattern, RLF, in 7/8, phrased 3+2+2— as it is in the tune Solitaire, by […]
Page o’ coordination: straight 8th 7/4
More 7! This is a collection of exercises based on a pattern not unlike some of our old Elvin waltz patterns, for use with a new sampled practice loop that will be forthcoming today or […]
Transcription: Roy Haynes intro
You know what, I still owe you a BOOK OF INTROS. The thing has been languishing a few short hours from completion for quite a few months now. Perhaps me drawing attention to that fact, […]
Stick Control exercises in 7/8
I was going to try to spread these 7/8 things out a little more, but I’ve been so occupied with other stuff— like, I’m getting married in a couple of weeks— I’m getting a little […]
RLF pattern in 7/8!!!
UPDATE: I made a couple of small changes which I found helpful in practicing the patterns— in the first set of exercises there are some optional notes in parentheses, and I’ve changed line 6. I’ve […]
Getting around the drums: the ultra basics
A quick little page of stuff on getting around the drums with one hand, and both hands. In the first part I’ve basically written out the collection of tom moves we use with the Pages […]
Never enough 7/8
Hey, it’s what I’m working on this week. I can’t help it if it’s not especially high-priority. This is an easy Stick Control-based method in 7/8 time. Together with the other pages, including a couple […]
More Igbo grooves for drumset
More grooves from that video of Igbo percussionists from the other day— I called it “ogene”, but that is the name of the bells the musicians are playing; the name of the tribe and the […]