This tune shows you one way of opening up a Bossa Nova groove, in a modern jazz setting. It’s Jack Dejohnette playing on Gentle Rain, from George Benson’s album Beyond The Blue Horizon. I’m listening […]
Category: downloads
Funky Primer p. 22 converted to sixtuplet funk
In a lesson the other day I realized I don’t really like any of the sixtuplet funk materials in my regular books. Joel Rothman’s are pretty good, Funky Primer are pretty not good, Jim Payne’s […]
Paradiddle inversion control – 01
A sketchpad for my own practicing— a set of velocity studies using one paradiddle inversion in particular, the massively fun and useful RLLR-LRRL form. In case you’re listening to all that Antonio Sanchez and thinking […]
Chaffee linear phrases in other rhythms/meters
In the comments of the recent Chaffee linear phrases in 4/4 post, someone asked about other rhythm possibilities for the same phrases. The phrases there were ten notes long, so basically any rhythm and meter […]
5/8 control, part 2
Hastily scribbled practice notes It has been an interesting journey this week, preparing this challenging music— moderately challenging, I guess; there are a few grooves in time signatures I’m not used to, but I’m being […]
5/8 control
Sid Catlett would always tell me, “Art, when you’re in trouble, roll. Just relax, you know what I mean?” Let’s talk about something I’m preparing for, kind of a hairy gig coming up next week, […]
Chaffee linear phrases: 8ths and triplets in 4/4
Some Gary Chaffee-style linear phrases in 4/4, in 8th notes and triplets. If I did things in a logical order, I would have written this five years ago, when I was writing those pages in […]
Reed interpretation: Matt’s double bass method – 03
More of an expansive double bass method using the book Syncopation, that I’ve been developing with a student. Here we’ll get into 16th triplets on the bass drums. The method is a little obscure to […]
Syncopation rhythms – quarter note triplets
The need for this arose when I was practicing yesterday, so here we go— two pages of syncopation rhythms including quarter note triplets and inverted quarter note triplets. You know what to do. Get the […]
Page o’ coordination: quasi-samba – bass drum variations
More student stuff! Someone needed a Latin rhythm for a tune he’s playing in a rehearsal combo, and this repeating quasi-samba pattern is what he came up with. So in the lesson we worked through […]
Converting 3/8 hemiola patterns to 2/4
That’s it, CRUISE SHIP DRUMMER! is now an all what-I’m-teaching-in-lessons web site. I’m preoccupied with other stuff right now, travel plans and whatnot. I started doing this around 2013, and quite a bit lately— changing […]
Afro 6 – advanced bass drum ideas/coordination
A page of patterns I’m playing around with, in an Afro 6 feel, that are difficult or unusual for varying reasons— either the bass drum is in unison with the left hand, or the actual […]