I was doing this with some students, using a similar groove to Omar Hakim’s Predator groove— vastly simplified. There are a couple of pages of “funk samba” grooves in Roy Burns / Joey Farris’s underrated book […]
Category: downloads
Transcription: Mel Lewis comping
On Chess Mates, from a 1985 Joe Lovano record, Tone Shapes & Colors— a live recording with Mel Lewis on drums, and Kenny Werner on piano. A lot of what I’d call “non-independent” drumming here, […]
Reading round up
I’ve been using my pages of syncopation rhythms a lot in teaching lately— similar to what’s in Ted Reed, but written for a specific purpose, either for a specific drum set application, or to do […]
Chaffee linear system: alternative 4s/6s
Something I’ve been playing with— as you know, Gary Chaffee’s linear system is based on 3-8 note patterns, starting with the right hand, alternating sticking, ending with one or two bass drum notes. I don’t […]
Unpacking a groove: Predator
I’m getting into some finer points of playing the hihat two handed with a younger student, and was tempted to show him a groove I transcribed a long time ago: Predator, played by Omar Hakim […]
Quintuplet jazz? – 02 – bass drum added
Continuing that suspect page of jazz rhythms in quintuplets, here are some more practice patterns with bass drum added: See that post view from the outside of a swing feel for some explanation of this […]
Transcription: Elvin Jones – Foolin’ Myself – 04
UPDATE: Boy I suck. This is of course the third solo chorus, and the fourth total entry in this series. I’ll fix that… sometime. Continuing that Elvin Jones transcription from late last year— Elvin Jones playing […]
Charleston inversions
Kicking off 2023 with a library item— file this with the pages of tresillo/cinquillo inversions, and this page. The Charleston rhythm is a form of the tresillo rhythm that found its way into mainstream American popular […]
Page o’ coordination: Airto’s afro
Page o’ coordination based on Airto’s unique afro 12/8 groove played on the intro of Casa Forte, from Flora Purim’s album Stories To Tell. It’s a good introductory groove for this style— the hands are […]
Transcription: Elvin Jones – Foolin’ Myself – 03
We’ll keep going with this. Part 3 of Elvin Jones playing on Foolin’ Myself, from Lee Konitz’s record Motion. This is the second chorus of Konitz’s solo, starting at 1:57 in the track. The previous […]
Elvin’s Biddy Oats
No, this is an ALL Elvin Jones site. I think we have to earn it if we’re going to talk about him, put in some work, have some humility, don’t be a leech. I imagine […]
Page o’ coordination: hihat in the space
Here’s a page based on this ongoing Elvin Jones transcription— I observed when he was playing time on the hihat, he would tend to close it before the beat. I also saw him doing that […]