I got several cool shots of this saxophonist. What the hell is his name? Update: Joe Cunningham is the hell is name. A great player!
Category: cross processing
More fun with lights.
Blue Cranes CD Release at Holocene!
Here’s the Blue Cranes doing their CD release party at Holocene. The band was completely rocking! I revisted my blurry art-crap roots by shooting with 400asa Fuji Provia pushed to 1600 and cross-processed. I hadn’t […]
Reed Wallsmith, the alto player, also played great.
I missed this guy’s name- he was sitting in with the band for the CD release, and had a nice rocking free-jazz type approach. I believe he plays with the Decemberists.
Bill Athens, sitting in for Keith Brush on bass had a big solo feature that was very nice.
Ji Tanzer, blew my mind with some burning breakbeat shit. More stuff to practice…
Keyboardist Rebecca Sanborn.
More groovy effects!
I did the Photoshop shadow/highlight adjustment on a couple more of the Rome shots. It makes them look like a vintage illustration. I’m usually against dramatically altering an image’s appearence this way, but this doesn’t […]
This one needs some Photoshop help- as you can see, the Diana doesn’t put the frame exactly square on the negative. I can’t just crop the top edge as I did the others because I […]
Here’s Casey just before our trip to Rome, shot with the Diana and some cross-processed Fuji slide film.