Disposable panoramics!

Here are some shots I took with one of those crappy disposable panaormic cameras on our first trip to Rome in ’98. Nothing special, I was just feeling nostalgic… 

View of the Forum from the Capitoline.  

Some kind of shrine or other. 

Roman forum

Next to the Temple of Julius Caesar in the Forum, where Caesar was cremated. You kind of have to use your imagination, because it’s just the brick foundation of the building with a few fragments […]

Fed Micron!

The Fed Micron. Piece of Soviet-made crap half-frame thing. Probably manufactured in a retooled WWII PPSh submachine gun plant.  

’62 Lancer

The auto setting seems to vary the shutter speed between about 1/250 and 1/60. Usually I use it in low light and set the shutter to ‘B’ and just guess how long to hold it […]

Steve Pancerev at the Blue Monk

Guitarist Matt Wayne and Steve Pancerev. I’ve played with Matt for years first in Flatland and now with Lower Monumental. Steve Pancerev is a great drummer who has recently relocated to Providence. Here they are […]

Fed Micron – Manu Katche set

I bought these drums from Steve, and then sold them. The flaming siena rug is still mine, and makes quite a stir when I throw it down at black-tie events, let me tell you.