It was hard to get any decent shots this season. The other musicians have gotten wise to me and block my shot or give me the finger whenever I try and get a shot.
Author: Todd Bishop
Queen of the West, 2005!
OK, the ’05 season is finally over and I have some time to post all of the crap I’ve been shooting all season. Mostly I’ve been using twin Olympus Stylus Epics, one loaded with black […]
Here’s Bill Athens, one of the bass players on our little boat.
Impressionistic view of Willie Blair’s bass from the drum chair.
Good God.
OK, it’s been an eventful fall. My 7 year relationship crashed and burned and I’ve been working like a dog and buying a house (did you know that they will, apparently, sell a house to […]
More exciting stuff in the works
Cruise Ship Drummer! brand clothing coming soon! My friend Jennifer Adams (owner of the ultra-hip Pied Cow coffee house) are working up some samples to hustle to the local boutiques. Jennifer is a genius when […]
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It’s going to be pretty damned skimpy over here for awhile, kids. Check out the action at my Cafepress store though- cool new designs are coming fast and furious.