The fountain in the center of the Piazza.
Author: Todd Bishop
I don’t want to scan anymore!
OK, I shot a really ridiculous amount of film this trip. There’s a lot of really cool stuff though. Stay tuned.
Little gypsy children!
Gypsy kids in front of the Pantheon. He said something like “give me money” after I took this so we moved away before he could make any kind of stink about it. These shots taken […]
Another gypsy child.
Gypsy kids.
Santa Maria in Aracoeli.
The Vitorriano, from behind.
Finally made it back. There aren’t too many of the old Vespas on the street any more- they must have done some massive purge of all the old, noisy, beat up ones, because in ’03 […]
Bikers tear down the street in Trastevere.
Flower shop.
Flower shop where Casey bought blue lilies to leave at S. Maria in Aracoeli, site of the old Roman temple to Juna Moneta.