None of these in-the-mirror shots worked out very well. Why did I even include this one?
Author: Todd Bishop
Via Quatro Fontane!
We found ourselves on this street many times during the trip. This day we were trying to return from the Vatican and found the Metro was closed due to a strike, so we decided to […]
Il Messagg-something. My new favorite crappy building in Rome. Some bridge-and-tunnel kids egged us here on the way back to the hotel one night. Little bastards.
Ordinary Italians go about their daily lives. The guy with the puffy coat is very out of fashion. That’s what they were wearing in ’03. Now everybody wears the parkas with the fur fringe around […]
Lots of Japanese in Rome this time.
Festival day!
This day there was a festival of some kind (for S. Marco?) which involved a couple of samba bands and lots of children in costume and tons of confetti. Later we stumbled upon a military […]
The samba group, which included lunatics on stilts, enters Piazza Della Reppublica, which I like.
These people preceded the batteria.
Flamboyantly-attired Italians dance a lascivious fandango!
Children in costume wander the streets! Don’t worry: Via Nazionale, which I hate, was closed to traffic.
Hot chestnuts!
We wander around the Rome’s Centro Storico!
View of the side of the Pantheon. Lots of dramatic shots coming soon.