Tim works on one of his tunes. The inspiration has not been entirely crushed out of him.
Author: Todd Bishop
Trapper. Bob’s old bass player from on the Mississippi, now on our company’s other ship. Great, serious pro. Very serious. Here he’s tuning his bass.
Tim and Bob hang at the bar after the juggler finished up. In his last routine he escapes from a straightjacket while riding a unicycle (or “suicycle” as he calls it) while we play the […]
What’s going on?
OK, the posts have been exceedingly skimpy lately because I’ve been shooting an processing a buttload of stuff. Plus I’m on my 3rd of 4 weeks on the boat, which doesn’t help. Mostly I’m running […]
Another, on Via Nazionale. One of Mussolini’s boring-ass thoroughfares.
Screw up in the development process!
Something strange happened with the end of one of the rolls from Andrea’s thing. The emulsion was very dense and had this grainy, scaly look.
This job is not all exaggeratedly-cheerful music and glamor. There’s a lot of time to kill between performances. In the business this is known as “the hang”. Here Willie, in his boredom, sips some warm […]
Tim savors some delectible soup!
Willie is thinking about Regis. Really.