JD Beck

Someone shared the following video, and was commenting on the technique of JD Beck, a hot new drumming sensation who I kind of like. How can you not? He’s cute and charismatic, and has an […]

Batucada styles

Just did a gig playing all samba and bossa nova, so I’ve got Brazilian music on the brain. Here’s an old record offering a little round up of styles in Brazilian percussion: Batucada, by Paulinho […]

Baiao practice sheet

Here’s a page of basic left hand rhythms based around a Baiao rhythm (say bye-yo or bye-yohn). You could just use Syncopation for this, but I like starting with rhythms connected to the ostinato somehow— […]

Tri pa let

Related to my late forays into different systems of counting: in an online conversation, someone asked about counting 16th notes within an 8th note triplet, specifically a triplet-rate hemiola:  Generally, people count 8th note triplets:  […]

RIP Teresa Nervosa

Photo from King Coffey’s twitter feed: “Teresa Taylor, seen here in attack mode. My favorite drummer of all time. My mentor, my friend, my sister from another mister.”  Butthole Surfers drummer Theresa Taylor, aka Teresa Nervosa […]