Songo brushup

I have some dates coming up where I need to use a Songo-type groove (the chart says “samba”, but it’s really not)— which I don’t have to play that often, so I’m brushing up on […]

How not to hit a drum

Hey, it’s been awhile since I’ve watched a drumming video, and rendered the tidal wave of complaints and irritations that come with it, so here are some comments I wrote when someone made me watch […]


“Hello. Good evening. Hope I’m Funny.” -Richard Pryor, That N___’s Crazy “So who’s that big dumb ass out there on the hill?”  “That’s Steve Carlton. He’s maybe the greatest left-hander in the history of the […]

Elvin isolated

Obviously I’m posting really lightly lately, getting ready to head to Germany next week, so: here are some recordings Elvin Jones plays on, with his drums isolated. Enjoy! Here’s Passion Dance, from McCoy Tyner’s album […]